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TextToSpeech click (Go to Parent Category)

TextToSpeech click Text To Speech click is a mikroBUS add-on board that carries an Epson S1V30120 speech synthesis IC. The IC is powered by the Fonix DECtalk v5 speech synthesis engine that can make your robot or portable device talk in US English, Castilian Spanish or Latin American Spanish, in one of nine pre-defined voices. The DECtalk engine includes a parser that gives users fine control over the quality, pitch and intonation of the synthesized speech. The audio is reproduced at 11.025kHz sampling rate. Text To Speech click board communicates with the target board microcontroller through the mikroBUS SPI interface (MISO, MOSI, SCK, CS) with additional functionality provided by DRDY, NRST and MUTE pins (in place of default mikroBUS INT, RST and AN pins) It can use either a 3.3V or 5V power supply.
R925  Qty:
Price ex. VAT. Est. Weight: 20g. Stock: Lead-time applicable [i]. mikroE Icon